DDwga College Scholarship for girls
Each year, the DDWGA awards collegiate scholarships to deserving students connected to golf in the Miami Valley area.
Scholarship awards are based on academic record, personal character, extracurricular activities, and participation in DDWGA events.
For a complete list of scholarship recipients, visit this link.
Scholarship awards are based on academic record, personal character, extracurricular activities, and participation in DDWGA events.
For a complete list of scholarship recipients, visit this link.
For more information, visit the DDWGA website
PGA Junior League
Facilitated by the PGA of America and its 41 sections, Miami Valley Golf provides assistance to the Southern Ohio PGA by providing staff, time, and resources to help insure that the program flourishes within our community.
The PGA Junior League aims to bring the game of golf to kids and families with the assistance of PGA and LPGA coaches.
The PGA Junior League aims to bring the game of golf to kids and families with the assistance of PGA and LPGA coaches.
For more information, visit:
The Southern Ohio PGA Junior League
PGA Junior League National Organization
The Southern Ohio PGA Junior League
PGA Junior League National Organization
Golf Clubs For All
The Miami Valley Golf Foundation aims to assist those that may not have access to the great game of golf. Through donations of golf clubs, clothing, shoes, and other equipment, we are able to provide kids with golf essentials at no cost.
For more information, contact [email protected]